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The Institute of Technology is a State of Missouri and Lambert Airport Certified Minority Business Enterprise/Women's Business and Disadvantaged(DBE) Enterprise (MBE/WBE) and a Registered Apprenticeship partner with the Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship!!
Career Coaching Service
The Institute of Technology provides global career transitioning and job search training for the students of Institute of Technology.

Global Career Transition:  Introduction to the United States Work Force

Like most other countries, the United States (U.S.) has its own social as well as professional values, traditions and practices. In order for you to successfully assimilate and advance in the U.S. work place, it is critical to learn what these are and how to incorporate them appropriately in your day-to-day work interactions.

To aid in this transition, Institute of Technology will offer its Global Career Transition Package which consists of the following five (5) modules:

Effective Communication with a U.S. Audience – 1 session
Whether meeting someone for the first time, engaging in “small talk,” being introduced to someone or conducting an introduction, or just using your body language to send a message, effective communication and understanding what works in the U.S. and what does not can make or break your career.

Meetings: What They Are For and How to Use Them to Your Advantage – 1 session
When working in a professional environment in the United States, be prepared to attend meetings. While the topics and people will change, the basic rules of meeting etiquette and how to maximize them for your advantage do not. In this segment, you will learn the do’s and don’ts of meeting attendance.

Corporate Social Life – 1 session
Many companies host social events where employees are expected to participate. In this segment, you will learn which events carry an expectation for your participation and which do not. You will also learn how to use these events to get to know your superiors and peers in a way that allows you to make friends and advance your career.

Regional Work Values – 1 session
While the United States is one country, due to its vast size, it is made up of regional values. This segment will teach you how the work values and priorities differ from the Northeast, Southwest, Midwest, Deep South and more.

General Information – 2 sessions
In order to successfully navigate the U.S. work force, it is important for you to learn the general information which makes navigating the U.S. work force easier. In this module, you will learn about work hours, dress code, your rights as a U.S. worker, compensation and reward & recognition, office amenities, addressing your boss, benefits, peers and employees and much more!

Each session lasts for approximately one hour. The sessions can be offered as an in-person option for Students living in the metropolitan St. Louis area, or as a webinar option for all out-of-town students.

Job Search Training:  The Basic Tools Needed to Find the Job You Desire

Institute of Technology will offer its Basic Package option which consists of three career search modules designed to give students a solid foundation for identifying and obtaining a career assignment. The Basic Package consists of the following modules:

A Good Resume is Hard to Find – 1 session
One of the most important components of any job search is the resume. The content, structure and targeting of your resume are all important aspects that will either make your resume standout in the pile or end up as just one in the pile. This resume writing tips module will explain what recruiters really want to see in a resume, and the most common mistakes candidates make when developing and submitting their resume.

The Art of Networking – 1 session
To most people, networking is the “dirty word” of any job search effort.  It’s usually perceived as cumbersome, boring, a waste of time, insincere and/or costly. Let our module help to dispel some of negative perceptions you may have about networking by teaching you techniques that can make networking effective and fun…you might even make a friend or two!

Interviewing to Get the Offer – 2 sessions

The key to having a successful interview is always proper preparation. In this module, we will teach you the small and large things you need to know and do to help ensure your success during your interview. Remember, the more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel. The more confident you feel, the better you perform.

Each session lasts for approximately one hour. The sessions can be offered as an in-person option for students living in the metropolitan St. Louis area, or as webinar option for all out-of-town students.

Institute of Technology Train to Hire Solar Program!! - Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Institute of Technology has partnered with Missouri Sun Solar, LLC to provide internship and employment to graduates of the Solar Installation and Solar Sales Training Programs.  Missouri Sun Solar will have to triple its current workforce in order to keep up with the demand due to business expansion and opportunity's.  We are looking to add at least full time 70 jobs by years’ end and first quarter of 2014 with starting salary range of $13-$25 per hour.

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Institute of Technology Train to Hire Solar Program!! - Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Institute of Technology has partnered with Missouri Sun Solar, LLC to provide internship and employment to graduates of our Solar Installation and Solar Sales Training Programs.  Missouri Sun Solar will have to triple its current workforce in order to keep up with the demand due to business expansion and opportunity's.  We are looking to add at least full time 70 jobs by years’ end and first quarter of 2014 with starting salary range of $13-$25 per hour.

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Institute of Technology launching Health Informatics Course in Nigeria - Thursday, August 4, 2011
Institute of Technology has completed a Joint Venture with the RIMA Foundation in Nigeria to provide Health Informatics Certification Training!
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Merger: Health Care Career Builders Institute & Institute of Technology - Monday, June 6, 2011
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